First Days of Recovery
Hi, everyone -- I just spent two nights with Janet, sharing U.S. Open and remarkably few moans and groans, though it's obvious the pain is pretty fierce when the percodan wears off.
Our tough customer seems happily willing to ignore doctor's (& nurses') orders, if they seem outrageous or contradictory (both happen), but is being faithful about the real basics -- doing the exercises and getting up and about. In fact, it was hard to get her to let me do things for her! This can change, depending on where she is in the pain cycle, of course.
Impressive as always were the tremendous organization and planning that went into this venture, and the list of wonderful friends who are rallying around. It's great to be able to help.
Most worrisome is the coming advent of the dogs -- Janet let slip to the Home Health nurse that she planned to ride along to pick them up. The nurse was alarmed, explaining that MediCare (?) won't cover homehealth unless the patient is truly homebound -- that means, no going out except for doctor's appointments and hairdresser! (and one other I don't remember.) Somehow, I love that last allowance -- beauty knows no restraints!
We were glad to discover that Rescue Cream (a Bach Flower remedy available at Health Food stores) relieves the itching and rashes and potential bedsores from lying in bed, and from the splint. Other challenges are being met and overcome as I write, I'm sure -- There's no keeping our brave girl down!
best to all,
Catharine Lucas
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