an update from Janet
Dear Friends,
I don't know how many of you are still looking at the site, but thought I'd try to give an update. Won't do another until the 15th or 16th.
I'm recovering rapidly. Have been assured by the surgeon's nurse that the numbness in my legs, particularly the left, and the non-incision pain in my back are normal and will go away at some point. Even though he didn't do the fusion, there's lots of inflammation and trauma. I suspect that I may have pushed things too far the first few days with too much bending, too much walking, too much whatever. I felt so much better than I expected that it was easy to overdo. So I've really taken it easy the last two days.
Right now the plan is for the dogs to come home on Monday. The wonderful guys at G-BARK (Greyhound Boarding and Retirement Kamp) will deliver them. According to Jon, both Achates and Creusa are having a great time. I'm hesitant to bring them home when I won't be able to provide them with all the fun activities of camp (such as romping with 12 or more other greyhounds) or even much exercise, but I miss them terribly!
I'm asking Sarah to take the schedule off the site. I am so indebted to all of you who signed up and those who were waiting to sign. I've cancelled all morning visits since the first day home and some of the afternoon ones. If you think you're still on, please check before you come. I think I've contacted everyone, but I've been known to goof! (And I'll keep all of you in mind for the future when I have the knee replacement!)
If any of you are strong and have experience with a prey-driven 40 mile-per-hour runner, I can use help walking the dogs. I think I can manage Achates, but Creusa is more intense.
I'm hoping to shower tomorrow without the bandage. Took the Tegaderm off last night because it was giving me a horrid rash and welts. Have enough itching with the healing stitches. Have an appointment to have the stitches removed on Thursday the 15th, but it is possible they may want to wait a little longer. I had been told all along that 2 weeks was it (Thursday will be 16 days), but the nurse informed me that diabetics should wait 3 weeks.
Don't know when I'll be able to drive. Have to be mostly pain-free and totally drug free. Was taking 4 Vicodin a day, cut down, and now have gone back to the 4. "Everyone" says it's important to get rid of the pain. I'm hoping I can start driving by the end of next week, but am preparing myself for a longer wait.
I do feel well enough to enjoy, and feel guilty about, reading lots of mysteries and watching junk I taped from tv. May try to graduate to better literature and viewing materials soon. Blog-site Sarah saved "Rome" on her Tivo and then made DVDs, so that's at the top of my list. (I don't get HBO.) I slept a lot at the beginning, but now am down to "only" 10 hours or so a day.
I've been trying to keep up with emails and love to get them. Feel free to call, but please understand that I may be asleep, or I may have forgotten to take the phone to wherever I am, or I may just feel overwhelmed.
Oodles of love and thanks to all of you.
Dear Janet, I tried to write to you earlier, but it didn't work. I am so glad you are doing well. Yeah you probably did overdo, but adjust now and you'll be ok. You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways...the way in which you excell at creating community is particulary knee-bending. At a time when many of my family members are not distinguishing themselves around the issues with my mom, you have just up and created a supportive, helpful, and non-DNA bound family who really shows up for you. I miss you guys soooo much. I am planning to take the Feldenkrais training that starts in Berkeley in is 4-6 times a year for four years. Then I'm 66 and can retire and go to writing school. I've decided I want to die on the way to some class...either one I'm taking or giving. I can think of no higher goal!!!And you all are just the inspiration I needed. I love you. I marked this anonymous, so I don't know if I can sign my name or not, but I live with my mom and taught you weight training. Love, Rivkah
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