Better Belated Than Never
I got to spend some time with Janet on Sunday afternoon, and wanted to give everyone a short update. She was having a pretty thin time of it on Saturday, feeling utterly miserable. However, by Sunday, she was feeling much better. I suppose that's the nature of recovery, whether physical, emotional or spiritual: you have good days and bad days, and it's not a predictable or linear process.
She has this really cool machine that helps her stretch her knee. It's called a "CPM", for Continuous Passive Motion, and it can be set via an electronic keypad to bend her knee to a precise angle. Her range of motion has improved considerably since she started using it.
In other news, she's hoping she'll be up to having the dogs come home in a few days. It was quite odd to be at her house without the dogs there -- they are much missed!
- Sarah
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