Monday, February 26, 2007

Not Very Good News

My surgeon returned from vacation today and just called me at 8:15pm. He says the pain appearing in my right leg and hip after two weeks is "very disturbing." There's a chance that it will go away, that it's being caused by the manipulation in the surgery, but it seems more likely that he'll need to go in again and do a fusion. He says to give it two more weeks and call him.

He is writing a prescription for more Percocet. I started taking it Friday afternoon and it's worked well. The pain is certainly much less and quite bearable.

He also said that it was probably okay to try driving but to be careful. If I'm in an accident, there could be legal ramifications from the drug. I feel as if I'm as alert and aware as ever, although that's not saying a great deal! A friend who can drive a stick shift is coming over tomorrow. We'll try to start the car and then take it for a spin on the freeway. If I feel that I'm not functioning properly, Lynne can take over.

Needless to say, I'm despondent.


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