Knee, Tooth, Spine, Pain & Lethargy
Knee: The cortisone shot in my right knee, which wonderful Dr. Gorek (spine surgeon) administered when I was unconscious for the surgery, wore off some time ago. Basically I can't bend my knee past a 90 degree angle and can do that only for a few seconds at a time. Can't bend the knee sideways much at all. Walking is painful. Going up and down stairs is very difficult; can go only one step at a time. Putting on socks and shoes takes time, effort, and lots of grimacing. Sitting in a regular chair (such as at the symphony) does not work unless I can stretch my leg out straight. I tried to put off doing anything about it for a number of reasons, but finally gave up and saw the knee surgeon on Tuesday, 24 April. We decided to try Synvisc injections even though there's only a slim chance that they'll work. I've had two and shall have the third and final on Monday. So far there's been no relief, but it's still possible there will be some after all the injections. I'm just trying to buy time until my back is okay and I can have a knee replacement.
Tooth: Minor in comparison with everything else! Tuesday when chewing meat off a chicken bone, a piece of a lower tooth chipped off. I adore my dentist, and he's marvelous. Called him Wednesday morning just before I left for my appointment with Dr. Gorek and went to see him afterwards. I was lucky that only the top part of the inside wall of the tooth broke. Dr. Oldenbourg ground it even, cleaned it out, and put on this new bonding material. It's a miracle substance. Dr. O already had used it once on an upper back tooth where the gum had receded and the semi-exposed nerve was giving me a lot of pain. The material is white (off-white) and hardens instantly once it's zapped. Entire procedure took about 15 minutes and required no novocain!
Spine: Saw Dr. Gorek on Wednesday. He was going to order X-rays but didn't since I had a couple of my back taken the beginning of April. (See blog entry for 11 April.) They showed the spine but not the opening on the side of the spine where the nerves go out. Spinal canal looks clear and good. Dr. G. is "very encouraged" and thinks that the pain is gone or going. He says that if there were anything really awful, the "small" amount of Percocet I'm taking now would not keep the pain away. (He says some of his patients take 10 a day plus other stuff!) I'm not as optimistic as he is because I think I feel some pain in the hip, at the sacroiliac joint where the sciatic nerve goes through. (Those of you who know anatomy please forgive my errors. I really don't know what I'm talking about. But there's a spot on the right side of my lower back/hip where the pain was most intense, and then pain would radiate from there down my leg.) Anyway, he agreed that I should try to go off the Percocet and see what happens. A week before I saw him I went from 3 to 2 a day. He suggested that I cut the pills in half and take a half 4 times a day for a while, then 3 times a day for a week or so, then 2, then 1, then none. So today I'm trying the 3 halves. Please send all the good vibes you can spare that the pain does not return as the Percocet wears off! It would be wonderful if I do not have to have another spinal surgery, which would include a fusion, and could go right to having the knee replacement.
Meanwhile: My knee hurts. My "regular" arthritis across my lower back hurts. These pains affect everything I do (or prevent me from doing things). I've been depressed. I've felt whoozy and nauseous almost daily although not all day. (This is one big reason for wanting to stop the Percocet. I don't know that it's the culprit, but it certainly seems possible.) Doing just one thing a day wears me out and I collapse for the rest of the day. Can't really explain this lack of energy. I can't sleep well in my bed in spite of numerous pillows so spend all or most of every night on the couch. Have it set up somewhat like a bed, but I still feel grubby in the morning. Better than not sleeping and having so much pain I can hardly get up when I try the bed. I do wake up every hour or so on the couch but usually can fall asleep again before too much time goes by. I gave up my symphony ticket last Saturday and did not go to hear Ian Tyson on Sunday. Just couldn't manage anything after being out (some walking, lots of standing) in the sun for over an hour both mornings at Greyhound Play Dates. I made reservations to go to Swarthmore for my class's mini-reunion (47th) in June, but I doubt that I'll make it. A lot of miracles will have to take place in the next couple of weeks for me to be able to handle the plane flight and a dorm bed! I'll wait as long as I can to cancel and not worry about losing the money.
If you're still reading this, thank you!!! Would not be able to handle all this were it not for such good friends and my incredibly beautiful, soft, sweet, silly, amazing, wonderful greyts. Love to you all,
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