Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hounds Are Home!

Life is looking better. It was a beautiful morning. What little I could see of SF and the Bay was all sparkling and clear. Warm sun and nice breeze. (Amazing how it's a breeze when I'm home in the sun but it's a raging wind when I'm getting out of the pool!) I'm able to sit a few minutes longer now although not even for half an hour. It's not so hard to get up. Walking around is painful, but not nearly as bad as it was. My knee is less flexible than it was a week or two ago so which is worrisome. The two worst things are having to continue the pain meds and thus being somewhat dizzy and nauseous much of the time and having almost no energy. Did feel pretty good this morning, but just doing some dishes, reading a few emails, and writing a couple of checks wiped me out. When I take a shower I have to plan to do nothing else for at least half a day. Progress is incredibly slow, but it is progress.

Most importantly, my beloved hounds are home. They were delivered to me late this morning. They're not setting a very good example, since all they've done is sack out on their pillows and sleep! It's wonderful to have them here.

Don't know when this will be posted since the person in charge of the site may be away from her computer for a few days, but wanted to get a message off while I was in a decent mood.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Some Relief

Home Health Care Nurse came back yesterday. Three enemas later, I got some relief and have decided that I may live after all. I was totally exhausted and did virtually nothing all day. Have a little bit of energy today although not much. My knee has regressed with the days of inactivity, but I'm hoping we can romp (!) through the rest of the time. Am disappointed that I cannot manage without the pain pills.

Love and thanks to all of you who have sent cards and emails. Sitting at a table or computer is extremely painful, so you'll have to wait for individual thanks. But I think of you all the time. Absolutely could not have made it without friends near and far.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Warning: Not for the Delicate!

If it's not one thing, then it's another...

I've been having a miserable time with impacted bowels. This was the problem last weekend when I lost almost two days. It's a first for me, and I had no idea it was so painful and so debilitating. All I could do was doze and moan. Thought things were resolved Sunday afternoon (thus Sarah's optimistic message), but the ib returned Tuesday. Yesterday I could do nothing and this morning I felt so awful that I cancelled cleaning people and the friend who was going to come to help me prepare for the cleaners. Got a prescription for Lactulose which a friend picked up and delivered late yesterday afternoon. It seems to have stirred some rumbling, but the impacted stool is still there. Home Health Care Nurse is due soon to unimpact. After that I hope I'll be able to get back to thinking about my knee and doing my exercises.

The knee is definitely getting better, but at a MUCH slower rate than I had imagined. Doing anything with my leg down is painful, and I can manage for only a minute or two at a time. This includes walking, standing, and sitting in a regular chair. Thus I've done almost nothing on the computer. It will take me 2 or 3 sessions just to get this message out. The new medicine protocol (Oxycodon every 12 hours, Norco every 4 hours as needed) I started over a week ago has kept the pain at a bearable level although the side effects (see above) make me wonder if it's worth it. I'm trying not to use more than is really necessary.

My behind and the backs of my thighs were covered with raw, oozing, itchy patches when I came home from the hospital. Had lots of blisters and raw spots on the front of my legs, especially the right one, as well. These are healing, but still itch. The incision (8-9" long) is healing nicely although it too itches. John, the lovely Home Health Care Physical Therapist, took out the staples over a week ago.

I miss Achates and Creusa terribly. They were originally supposed to come home over a week ago. Now I don't know when it will be. A lovely friend had volunteered her time and her Honda CRV to take us to a greyhound play date this Saturday and to the big (over 300 humans and 100 hounds) Golden State Greyhound Adoption picnic Sunday. I don't see how I can manage either one. I'm really disappointed.

P.S. Nurse just left. Still impacted. Not very happy. Sorry about all the gory details.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Better Belated Than Never

I got to spend some time with Janet on Sunday afternoon, and wanted to give everyone a short update. She was having a pretty thin time of it on Saturday, feeling utterly miserable. However, by Sunday, she was feeling much better. I suppose that's the nature of recovery, whether physical, emotional or spiritual: you have good days and bad days, and it's not a predictable or linear process.

She has this really cool machine that helps her stretch her knee. It's called a "CPM", for Continuous Passive Motion, and it can be set via an electronic keypad to bend her knee to a precise angle. Her range of motion has improved considerably since she started using it.

In other news, she's hoping she'll be up to having the dogs come home in a few days. It was quite odd to be at her house without the dogs there -- they are much missed!

- Sarah

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Pain and Misery

Very short message. Sitting in a chair is the worst thing I can do. Pain is excruciating. Progress is minimal. Swelling of foot and calf has gone down some, but knee and thigh are twice the regular size. No position, no matter how much Endocet is even remotely pain-free.

It's so hard and painful for me to do anything that I've cancelled the coming-home on Monday of the hounds. So now I'm miserable and so lonely on top of being in agony.

Bitch and moan. Thank god for incredible friends who are coming by and watering, washing dishes, helping me with the exercise that needs a second person, and just generally saving my life.

More later, I hope in a more pleasant mood!


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Days of Recovery

Hi, everyone -- I just spent two nights with Janet, sharing U.S. Open and remarkably few moans and groans, though it's obvious the pain is pretty fierce when the percodan wears off.

Our tough customer seems happily willing to ignore doctor's (& nurses') orders, if they seem outrageous or contradictory (both happen), but is being faithful about the real basics -- doing the exercises and getting up and about. In fact, it was hard to get her to let me do things for her! This can change, depending on where she is in the pain cycle, of course.

Impressive as always were the tremendous organization and planning that went into this venture, and the list of wonderful friends who are rallying around. It's great to be able to help.

Most worrisome is the coming advent of the dogs -- Janet let slip to the Home Health nurse that she planned to ride along to pick them up. The nurse was alarmed, explaining that MediCare (?) won't cover homehealth unless the patient is truly homebound -- that means, no going out except for doctor's appointments and hairdresser! (and one other I don't remember.) Somehow, I love that last allowance -- beauty knows no restraints!

We were glad to discover that Rescue Cream (a Bach Flower remedy available at Health Food stores) relieves the itching and rashes and potential bedsores from lying in bed, and from the splint. Other challenges are being met and overcome as I write, I'm sure -- There's no keeping our brave girl down!

best to all,
Catharine Lucas

Monday, September 03, 2007


Janet is home, walking around some (amazing but true), but tires easily. So it's back to the slings and arrows of regular life, what with internet service disruption and so forth. Still, it's good to be home.
- Sarah

Homeward Bound

Just got off the phone with Janet. She's very excited to be going home in a little while. She reports that she was able to stand up and brush her teeth this morning -- huzzah! It's the little things that matter most, innit?

Side note: As webmaven, I need to offer my apologies for the dilatory posting of updates. Sorry if I caused anyone to worry!
- Sarah

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday Evening Bonus Update

I spoke to Janet on the phone this evening (Sun.). She sounded great, optimistic, almost happy. She's glad to be going home tomorrow and enjoyed visits today from Sarah and Louis and Elisa.

If anyone knows a store that's currently carrying frozen butternut squash, please post it. I will make her the squash-pear soup she likes if I can come up with the squash. Trader Joe's and Berkeley Bowl, my usual sources, don't have any now.

-- Pat Luchak

Sunday Update

I stopped at the hospital to see Janet today, and deliver some food. She believes she will be able to leave for home on Mondy; although the pain is still quite intense, and she is getting lots of medication, her progress from the day before has been significant, and she was able to get up with just a little help today. She gave me permission to let you all know that any and all help will be appreciated in the coming time of recuperation. Give her a call [my suggestion] and check for messages that might call you in.

-- Joanne Howell

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Saturday Update

Janet is looking good although in more pain than she anticipated. Two friends were visiting when I arrived with her pre-packed and frozen dinner. Still planning on going home Monday. The PT and the doc seem to think it will work! She was drifting to sleep as I left — healing takes a lot of energy....
